4-Quarter Lives
Coaching Midlifers Through Their 3rd Quarter Transitions

Coaching Midlifers Through Their 3rd Quarter Transitions

Coach to Harvard's ALI Program

Carole Carlson joins Avivah Wittenberg-Cox for this episode of 4-Quarter Lives. Carole has been a coach with Harvard Business School for some 20 years, and has been accompanying participants in its Advanced Leadership Initiative since its founding. She is also the Director of the Heller MBA Program at Brandeis University – and a Senior Lecturer there. A busy portfolio of roles and impact.

Unleashing Impact in Q3

Author of a new book titled Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation, her lifelong passion for purposeful impact is the red thread through Carlson’s coaching and teaching career. She is focused on unleashing it – which is very aligned with the purpose of ALI. There aren’t many people who have been observing and supporting midlife transitions at senior leadership levels as closely as Carole.

In this episode of 4-Quarter Lives she shares takeaways and lessons from her decades of experience. She and Avivah discuss social impact, Harvard’s ALI program, how people experience it, the challenge of transitions in the 3rd Quarter and how people can better prepare for them - and navigate them mindfully.

Useful Links:

  • Carole’s book here.  

  • Carole’s Brandeis University page here.

4-Quarter Lives
You are likely to live longer than you think. Are you ready? Science has gifted us ever longer, 100-year lives. This impacts… everything! From couples and careers - to companies and countries. We’ll interview the experts who are exploring the consequences – and the individuals applying it to their own lives and choices. Generational and gender expert Avivah Wittenberg-Cox talks with people designing new ways of living, working and loving at all ages – across life’s 4 quarters.